Our Garden

It took longer than it should have but I have finally finished planting the garden and flowers. I have also got my garden sitting area set up and it is a welcoming oasis. This is our second year with the raised garden beds. 

This year we have cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, peas, onion, bell peppers and spinach. Everything is growing very well except for the spinach. Last year I was able to grow spinach with no problems this year however, it shows no signs of growth. In the past I have also planted yellow squash and zucchini. However, the squash bugs always make a feast of the vegetables before they are ripe so I decided this year to pass and use the space for something else. I have tried everything to keep those bugs away from the garden and nothing seems to work so I will just get our squash and zucchini from the framers market this summer.

Madilyn enjoys helping me in the garden. She is a great weed spotter. She is excited to see the flowers she planted in the flower boxes that are starting to grow. Each day she wants to go out to the garden and check their progress. I am sure she will be super excited when they actually begin to bloom. My perennial flowers are all growing well and I even added a few more this year. The plan is to add more perennials each year so that eventually we won’t have to plant flowers every year. I would like to have flowers growing all around the sitting area. For now a few scattered pots will do the job.


2 Responses to “Our Garden”

  1. Laura Webber says:

    Praying for peace for you, especially today!

  2. Donna says:

    Thank you Laura…. I have been thinking of you and keeping you in prayers yesterday and today to. You would think it would get easier with time, but it hasn’t.