Just for Today

Today I am linking up with all of the other ladies at “The Simple Woman’s Daybook” site. The goal of the site is for people stop and take a few minutes to focus on their present moment in time. Sometimes we are way to busy thinking about and doing things for the future that we skip right past the present.

In this moment in time–

Outside my window…it looks like it is going to be a sunny day. I am starting to see a few signs of fall.

I am thankful… for my job, even with the pay cuts and furlough days I thankful to have a job that I enjoy.

In the kitchen…not much going on in the kitchen today. We will be smoking salmon for dinner outside, so maybe I can get away with only cleaning the kitchen one time today.

I am wearing… Still in my pj’s, hoping for a lazy Saturday.

I am creating…at this time NOTHING. However there are a few projects I would like to start working on for the fall and holiday season.

I am going… to get back on track with my health and fitness plan. I have been slack the last few months.

I am wondering…if I will ever reach my health and fitness goals.

I am reading… Emma, the Biography of a school teacher in Arizona in the early 1900’s. It is very interesting. Glad some of the rules for teachers have changed since then.

I am hoping… for a nice weekend. Its a four day, so it should be real nice.

I am looking forward to… fall, its my favorite season of the year.

Around the house… The boys (David and Caleb) are still sleeping. Madilyn is watching Curious George.

I am pondering… God’s plans for my life. I know that there is something out there and that the steps I have taken the past few years were part of that plan but I don’t understand why the plan is “stuck” and not moving forward.

A favorite quote for today… Nothing taste as good as thin feels (Made to Crave). Remembering that as I get back on track with my fitness goals.

One of my favorite things… Red Velvet Chocolate tea. I have just discovered this tasty treat, oh so good.

A few plans for the rest of the week… no plans for the rest of the week. Just normal life.

A peek into my day…. My two favorite kids on the face of this planet.

Would you like to linger on the simple things…then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on simplicity…beauty of the everyday moments visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook hosted by Peggy Hostetler

3 Responses to “Just for Today”

  1. Donna says:

    Ok— this was to be an August daybook post. I have just realized they have taken the August link down already, but September link will be up after the holiday weekend. Once Sept. is posted take a few minutes to read other blogs by other women who may be just like you.

  2. Tyler Smith says:

    Be encouraged about being “stuck” where you are, I know that you’ve heard this 1,000 times but you have a unique opportunity to effect many kids daily. Although I’m looking from a different perspective from three years ago, I hear how they say that your different and they can “feel” something different about you. That being said, how you lived infront of me still echos in my life today.

  3. Donna says:

    Tyler thank you for the nice comments ~ Being stuck can be a blessing if I will let it be.