5 Reasons I like Curves

Its the start of a new year and GYM’s all across America are being flooded with new members. Many of these new members will hit the ground running and fizzle out before mid-February. Others will continue on with their new exercise routine. Joining a GYM is a big commitment, and it can be expensive.

I am a member of Curves. I have been a member for a long time. There are many reasons I like Curves.

They include:

The other ladies….. I like that Curves is a ladies only establishment. I go to the gym at the same time each day and have built relationships with many of the ladies. It is nice to have reliable workout buddies and people that will hold me accountable when I do not attend on a regular basis.

The equipment…..  Curves is a circuit workout. You spend a set amount of time on each machine and rotate through each piece of equipment. This gives you a full body workout, and ensures that your work out is balanced. I never get bored with my workout because it has a variety of exercises and moves at a quick pace. I also never have to wait for others to finish with equipment, because of the set time rotations.

Me time…. I get time to myself to do something for myself. I don’t have to think about work, home, kids, husband or anything else. Being a member of Curves allows me to get out of the office and out of my home. If I were not a member of Curves I would probably work out in my living room while trying to avoid all of the distractions. I have done this before and did not have good results because I never really got in a good workout.

Positive motivating atmosphere….  Curves offers a atmosphere of working hard to accomplish my goals. The gym is always clean and the staff is always smiling and have very uplifting attitudes. The music they play adds to the positive atmosphere.

My very own team of personal trainers…. I have my very own team of professional trainers. Each trainer has a great personality and wants to see me do well. They know me by name and know my weak areas and do everything they can do to help me.

One of the keys to having a successful GYM membership is having a GYM that you love.



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