Each year I try to have a Bible verse of the year. This verse is usually a call to action and serves as a reminder to me of something of great importance. It is always hard to pick just one, but picking one allows me to focus on one general area of improvement in my life.
Last week during my devotional time I was reading the book of 1 Timothy. The first few verses of chapter 2 spoke to me.
1 Timothy 2: 1-2 “I urge, the, first of all that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people– for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
There is no doubt we are living in a world that is quickly detorating. Many of our leaders are taking us down paths of which there will be no return. We need to pray for those leaders. We need to pray for our elected officials at every level, that they will open there eyes and make good decisions. Our leaders and the leaders of other countries need to be held up in prayer on a daily basis.
We need to keep pastors and missionaries in our prayers as they spread the gospel. We can pray that those they are ministering to have open ears and an open heart. We can pray that those ministering do not become discouraged. We need to keep our friends and families in our prayers. Sometimes they will not let us know what is going on or troubling them, but we can still pray that they will let God direct their paths.
I believe that God gave us prayer as a tool to effect change. As Christians it is our responsibility to use the tools that we have been given. Will you join me in praying for our leaders, teachers and ALL people during 2014?