January Goals Recap

success-word-1422617-mI decided instead of setting  yearly health goals I would set monthly goals. I thought that it would be more realistic to look at my life in smaller periods of time verses an entire year. It is easy for people to just give up if they have a few bad days. I figured that with monthly goals I would be more likely to stick with it.

For the month of January I am very pleased with my goals and the results I have achieved.

Goals Recap

Weigh and measure on the 1st day and last day of the month. I did both of these and the results are pretty good. I am a little disappointed in number of pounds lost, but I know I am building muscle.

Complete 4 workouts per week. I knocked this out of the park. I have logged 25 workouts. Sixteen occurred at the gym, and nine occurred at home in the mornings with David. I can really tell a difference in my endurance and strength due to these workouts. Some people may think I am over doing it, but the workout in the mornings are only 25 minutes and my afternoon workouts are about 45 minutes.

Complete a daily food journal. I did this each and every day. At first it was a pain, but it very quickly became a habit. This journal helped me to enusre that I was eatting enough of the right kinds of foods and having a balanced diet. It is so easy to just eat without thinking.

Stay between 1400-1800 calories at least 5 days a week.  I am proud to say that only twice this entire month did I go over 1800 calories. I never once felt hungry and I did not feel like I was not able to eat the things that I wanted to eat. I had two days where I fell below 1400, I have no idea how that happened, but I was careful to not let it happen again.

Incorporate 2 new healthy family dinner recipes. Once again I blew this out of the water with a total of 5 new recipes. I have already posted a few of the recipes along with cost and calorie counts and will post the rest of them this coming week.

I am currently working on my goals for February. Some of my goals will remain the same, just so that I can continue with healthy habits, new goals may be added.

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