Thankfulness Day 5- Oakleaf

oakleafOh, honey, God don’t care which church you go, long as you show up! ~Robert Harling, Steel Magnolias

Today I am thankful for Oak Leaf Church.  Last year at this time we once again found ourselves looking for a new place of worship. I have always disliked the process of finding a new church. After a few weeks visiting Oak Leaf we knew we had found our new  home. We settled in very quickly and have come to love the people in this church. It seems like we have been attending here for much longer than just a year.

What I love about Oak Leaf

  • The children’s ministry is great. They are truly there for the kids.
  • They let me serve where I want to serve. The last 3 churches I went to pushed me to serve kids in higher grade levels because I am a teacher. Sometimes I just want to hold and rock babies and Oak Leaf lets me do that. They do not pressure me to serve with the older kids.
  • The ladies group. I feel so welcome in this group of ladies. I sure wish I had more time to hang out with them, but I love our “Ladies Night Out.”  I also love that they understand that not everyone can home school and/or  be a stay at home mom. They understand the calling God has placed on my life and do not judge moms that work outside of the home or choose public school for their children.
  • I love that I get text from some of them letting me know that they are praying for me as I walk into the doors of our local public school.
  • I love Will and Jamie. They have a heart for God and want to the help Oak Leaf and those that attend Oak Leaf to make an impact on our community.
  • I love that the people of Oak Leaf are willing to step out and help our local elementary school. I am so thankful that they have allowed David to be a big part of what we are doing in the school. Not many churches have a partnership with a public school like we have with Canton Elementary.
  • Laura’s smile. I just love to see her singing and praising God each Sunday.
  • Billie and Ann’s wonderful coffee served with a smile each and every week.
  • True worship and praise songs.
  • Messages that are in line with the word of God with no sugar coating. It is hard to find churches that truly teach the word of God.

There are so many things to love about Oak Leaf, this list could go on forever. I am thankful that God has led David and I to this wonderful church at this time in our lives.

What are you thankful for today?

One Response to “Thankfulness Day 5- Oakleaf”

  1. Jamie says:

    We love you guys too! I love these things you love about Oak Leaf! I feel like y’all have been with us WAY longer than a year…just like family! 🙂