For those of you who have followed my blog you know that the past seven months have been difficult for me. There is no doubt that you have probably noticed that my recent post are more positive. The difference between then and now is that I have finally accepted the fact that being angry will not change matters. Healing and peace can not come as long as I am angry. I am trying daily to be thankful for the many good things I have in my life.
Verse: Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4: 6-8).
In the midst of all that bad things that have happened in my life there have been good things. I can’t remember thanking God for the good because I have been too busy being angry about the bad things that have happened. I have been so focused on the bad that I have taken the good things in my life for granted. I have not experienced peace in months, which is according to the verse above is directly related to expressing our needs and thankfulness to God. The lack of feeling peace has led to my heart and mind growing cynical and angry. Quite frankly, I am tired of being that angry person. I am striving to be at peace and and trying to focus on the good things in my life and put the bad things behind me.
I have so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful that in this horrible economy both David and I are still employed in the professions of our choice. I am thankful that I got not one but two promotions at work during the past month. I am thankful that we had the funds available for me to continue with my studies. I am thankful that Madilyn had a healthy winter and spring and did not need to use a nebulizer on a daily basis. I am thankful that Caleb has continued to be healthy. I am thankful that Caleb had a successful first year in public school. I have seen marriages fail when the couple faces a tragedy, I am so thankful that the marriage David and I have is still strong. I am thankful that my family has a home, food and clothing. I truly have so much to be thankful for in my life.
I am really going to focus on being thankful and making my needs known to God. It is only through him that I can find the peace that I need.
I am thankful for you! Thank you for your positive attitude and your prayers! We need them now more than ever! I am so happy that you are letting go of your anger and hurt. I have been praying for you and for that healing to take place. I love you!
Shannon- Thank you for yhou continued prayers. I know that there will still be good days and bad, but I just gotta take them one day at a time. Know that we are praying for you and Chris as you start your new adventures in Iowa. In time we will have great strories of life change happening because of your church plant.