My Fitness Challenge

I failed miserably at my fitness goals for May. Work is a mess during the month of May and I ended up being exhausted and scheduled for lots of after school events. I made it to the gym a total of 1 time in May. That is worse than pathetic. I am so disappointed in myself. I really need to come up with a fitness plan that can still be workable even when life is going in a million different directions. The good news is I maintained my weight even without keeping a close eye on diet and exercise.

I started summer determined to get back on track with my exercise plan. So far so good. I am averaging 3 times a week at the gym and walking at least 1 time a week. The gym is having a summer fitness challenge. The goal of the challenge is to encourage members to continue to work out during the summer months. Members who work out 12 times in June and 12 times in July will receive a prize. Additionally members were asked to set a personal weight or inch loss goal. Those members who meet their personal goal will win an “upgraded” prize. I decided I would participate and set a goal that may be unattainable. I would like to drop 10 pounds during these two months.  I could care less about the prize I just need to redevelop my workout and eating habit.

I will not have a problem meeting the June requirement of 12 workouts. We are doing NOTHING in the month of June. I have consistently worked out on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Tuesday and Thursday works for me because those are the days that Madilyn is in daycare. I drop her off and then go to the gym. I will also not have any problem watching what I eat during the month of June.

It will be hard to meet either the workout or dropping weight goal in July because we have so much going on during that month. We will be gone a week to South Florida for a trip to Disney and then on to Indian River to visit family. I have a four day conference for work, and then we will head to North Florida to visit my family and attend a family wedding. The day after we return home from the last trip I start back to work. Somehow, I am going to fit 12 visits to the gym into this busy schedule and manage to maintain a healthy diet. Its important to me to get back on track.

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