Posts Tagged ‘Family’

Family Update

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

Caleb finished his first semester of high school. Boy did that go by quickly. He got all A’s and B’s. I really like that I work at the school he attends. I get the chance to do what most parents want to do but never get a chance to do. I get to see him interact with his friends, see how he acts in the hallways, and I have daily conversations with several of his teachers. (more…)

Christmas 2010

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Christmas 2010 was spent in Sebastian FL. We had a fun time visiting with family.

On Christmas Eve we decided at the last minute to attend a Christmas Nativity program at one of the local churches. For a small church they had many talented singers. Later that night we let the kids open 1 present, which is our family tradition. (more…)

Memories of Grandma

Monday, December 20th, 2010

A week ago today our family lost our beloved grandmother. She was known by many names; mom, grandma, grandmother, double G and just recently she was dubbed as “the other grandma” by my daughter who does not understand the generational relationship. She was NEVER called granny because granny is what you call old people and in her words she was, “not old enough to be a granny.”  Grandma will be loved and missed by her sister, children, grand children, great grand children and friends. (more…)

Christmas Cookies

Monday, December 13th, 2010

I love baking. I especially love baking Christmas cookies. We always bake the same kind, sugar cookies with confectioner sugar frosting. (more…)

A Christmas Memory

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

One of my fondest Christmas memories is from my childhood. Christmas in our house was simple and focused on  family and Jesus. It was the simple things like home made tree decorations and sugar cookies that made the holiday special. (more…)

Our Kitchen Christmas Tree

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Several years ago I decided that we needed a small Christmas tree in our kitchen in order to help make the house a little more festive.  When I decided to do this I wanted it to be special and not just another tree.  This tree has turned out to be very special. Every ornament on our kitchen Christmas tree was made by my children or contains photos of the children. (more…)


Monday, December 6th, 2010

I know that I will probably get blasted for this post, but in my house we do not encourage the belief in Santa. David and I decided many years ago that we would not encourage our children to believe in Santa. Instead we tell our children that Santa is an example of how we should give to others while expecting nothing in return. (more…)

Our Nativity

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Each  year the very first Christmas decoration that is pulled from the attic and carefully displayed is our Nativity. The Nativity was the first real Christmas decoration that David and I purchased after we were married. While the Nativity set holds no monetary value it holds a lot of sentimental value. (more…)

Thankfulness Day 22

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

Good health and good sense are two of lives greatest blessings- Publilus Syrus

Today I am thankful for the continued good health of my family.

Last November, I became ill and stayed sick for 9 months. It took my doctors months to come up with an accurate diagnosis so that I could be treated properly. This illness has caused me to be very thankful for my present good health. (more…)

A perfect weekend

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

The Lloyd Family had a great weekend and we are looking forward to next weekend which will be an extra day long due to a teacher furlough day. We have already made plans to fill the entire weekend.  This past Saturday, David and Caleb helped a local church that we have visited with some renovations. I love that Caleb is learning to volunteer and help others with a spirit of love and care.  The world needs more people who are willing to step up and help others when they see a need. (more…)