There is nothing as tasty or juicy as a tomato picked right off the vine. This year my tomato crop has been excellent. I have not had a store bought tomato all summer long. I am so glad that the bugs decided to leave the tomato plants alone this year.
I have experimented with canning and have several jars of tomatoes put aside for use during the coming fall and winter. Last week David and I made our own chili sauce using tomato, onion, and peppers from our garden. I can almost taste the chili we will make this coming winter.
Even with the success I have had with my tomatoes this year I have had a dilemma. At times we have too many tomatoes ripe and ready to eat, but not enough to merit canning or making sauces. I am thinking that next year I need to plant a few more plants so that I don’t run into the situation again.
This is our second year gardening and this year was much more successful and rewarding than last year. I hope to see even better results next year, as we learn more about the process. Its a little more difficult than planting seeds and waiting for them to sprout.