My yellow squash finally came in. The problem is that we had too much of it ripen at the same time. I hate to waste anything so I came up with a few ideas on how to use the squash. First, I cut a bunch of it into slices and flash froze it for use after the garden quits producing. Maybe next year I will take on the task of learning how to can.
I also made zucchini bread, but changed the recipe to 1 cup of zucchini and 1 cup of yellow squash. I was not sure that this idea would work, but it did. The bread tasted great. If I had not told my family about the change in the recipe they probably never would have noticed. I made several loaves of this bread and it is now in the freezer for us to enjoy in the coming weeks.
Donna, I have been canning for years. Maybe next year we can get together and I can show you. It is so easy once you get the hang of it. I have done tomatoes, strawberries, peaches, apples, pickles, corn and beans. I have also made apple butter, yum. Would love to get together anyhow, just to chat and get caught up. Miss you so much.