Working with Style

This is my first time linking up with working with style on Liberating Working Moms. Dressing for work has been a little difficult lately. I have been on a journey to better health and fitness, so most of my clothing is to big. I am not complaining it is a nice problem to have.  I keep telling friends and family that next summer someone needs to call “What Not to Wear” on me so that I can get a new wardrobe before the next school year starts.

I finally broke down and went to the store and bought a few mix and match pieces that were on sale. After all I do work in public, and I have to look half way decent. I had decided before going into the store that I would limit myself to only 4 items consisting of 2 pair of work pants and 2 sweaters. I made my way to my reliable clothing store, and met with my favorite sales person. Its really bad when the sales lady knows you by name and knows your taste in color and styles. What was suspose to be a fun shopping trip turned out to be stressful and daunting (thats a post for another day- look for it on Monday).

  • Black leather boots (not shown) purchased at the end of season sale last year from Off Broadway Shoes for $22.00
  • Black leather purse purchased at Wilson Leather for 70% off for $18.00
  • Black jeans from Dress Barn $29.00
  • Mixed gray, black, and white sweater with tapered front 1/2 price and a 20% off coupon at Dress Barn purchased for $18.00
  • Tank Top purchased about 15 years ago when I was a little smaller. I have no clue what it cost, but hey it finally sits back on my hips (mostly) and looks pretty decent.
  • Necklace was purchased at our last trip to Dollywood for $10.

I bought the jeans because I love jeans. However, my principal does not allow jeans in the building except on Fridays with a staff shirt. He really only tolerates Friday jeans day becasue he would have a riot on his hands if we had to drsss up everyday. These jeans are perfect because they can be dressed up or down and don’t even look like jeans unless you really look hard. It is my hope that no one at work will be looking that hard at my pants. I wore these jeans this past Thursday and got so many compliments. Many of the teachers that I had not seen for several weeks were shocked at how much weight I have lost since they lost saw me. Yeah– I am that teacher, the one that does not get out of the room much.

I liked the sweater because it hangs much lower than the waist so it takes eyes off of my problem area because of the tapered edging. This sweater can also be worn with almost any color tank. I tried it on tanks in the following colors; red, salmon, and black. I chose the blue because I am trying to stay away from all black outfits, the red was too big, and  the salmon tank did not pop enough.

My hair and I are having a love hate relationship right now. Some days it is great other days I just want to chop it all off. I really need to decide what I want my hair to look like.

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4 Responses to “Working with Style”

  1. Katherine says:

    Mix & Match pieces are essential…and there’s NOTHING wrong with having a “go to” place to get your clothes. 😉 I love that sweater…I really want to get one like that. I’m glad you linked up!

  2. ZOMG! I’d die if I could only wear jeans once a week. I wear mine like twice a week (with nice shirts/sweaters of course) but my dress pants are a bit too snug these days. And I really dig your sweater. Wish I wasn’t so short. Thanks for linking up 🙂

  3. Donna says:

    Katherine… yet I love mix and match. Before I buy anything I think about what else it can be worn with and can it be work/play/dates etc. I like to get the most out of my buck.

  4. Donna says:

    Tracy- The no jeans thinks irritates me especially since right now my jeans look better than slacks. Jeans don’t have to be dumpy. I get that school teachers should dress nice, but slacks, dresses etc does not always mean nice.